Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Number three is a third

Donald Craig Anthony, III was born December 19, 2008 at 8:25am. He was 8lbs 12oz and 20 inches long. I began labor on Thursday the 18th around 3:30pm but didn't have any pain for hours. We finally left for the hospital just after 11pm. Once I was checked in, I had already dilated to 6cm. We thought for sure he would be here soon. My water refused to break so I was stuck at 8cm all night. In the morning, my doctor came in and broke my water. An hour later, Donny was born. Lizzie loves him and hasn't really noticed a difference in her life. However, Isabella was not happy about being replaced as the baby. She asked for a pacifier, which she never took when she actually was a baby, and she cried a lot. She loves Donny, though. In fact, she won't leave him alone. So, we hide him when he is sleeping. She will wander around asking for him when she notices that he is gone. He is healthy and happy. At his 2 week appointment, the doctor announced that he was a big boy. He is 90% for weight and 95% for height. He eats constantly which makes sleep difficult. My proudest accomplishment since his birth was getting Lizzie to school on time Monday morning when she returned after Christmas break. We were all dressed and fed. Wow!


The Gamble's said...

Congratulations Anthony Family! I was just thinking about you and wondering if the little guy had arrived yet! He is really cute!
Heather and Frank

Julianne said...

Congratulations! We just had a little boy too... bummer we don't live closer or they could be friends. I'm glad to hear you are doing well.

FYI said...

Congrats on the bouncing baby boy! What a lucky lttle guy to have such caring and attentive sisters, (not to mention two amazing parents)! Can't wait to meet him!

RAL said...

Ahh yay!!! He is such a cutie. I have to say that Rick heard this news from chad a few days ago so I'm excited to see pics! I'm glad to hear things are going well for you guys.

~Love ya!!
Liz (& Rick of course)

Stefanie said...

congrats! i will have to keep in touch on how it is having three, since i will have three this summer! i've heard its the hardest transition. he is beautiful!

Danyelle Ferguson said...

Wow! I am soo far behind visiting blogs! Congrats on the new little guy! I'm glad you guys are doing well.

beccastreb said...

Congratulations! My little baby Liam was born on Dec 12. That makes two boys for us.